


Why choose me

Why choose me?

Because together we can create a better world

Team Members - Veronica Manzanares

Hello, I'm Veronica Manzanares-Alberola

Your go-to inclusive translator

English, Spanish, Catalan, and French inclusive translator, linguist

Founder of Creative Empowering Services

If you work in the healthcare or journalism industry, you might not realise how big the gulf between men and women still is. Not only in pay, but also in the lack of promotion opportunities, diversity at the top level — or how safe the workplace is.

For example, did you know that in:

  • Medicine: it’s much harder for women to get their desired positions and get into decision-making roles than men
  • Journalism: women are more likely to be fired, raped or killed while at work than men
  • Business: Imposter syndrome is more frequent in women than men, so we often struggle to request higher salaries
  • Entertainment: female children and teens are often groomed by older men

Imposter syndrome is also more frequent in women than men, so we often struggle to request higher salaries.

All of these are avoidable, and the first step to doing so is by choosing me. After all, these lovely people did.

Clients I’ve empowered:

If you’re serious about creating an inclusive work environment, I know you’ll share my core principles:


I aim to build an honest working relationship through actions and words


I deliver courses and training you need and answer any questions you have


I have a proven record in creating inclusive cultures for organisations


Keep up-to-date with knowledge and tools through ongoing training.

If you still need persuading to work with an inclusive translator and linguist like me, you can find out more on my About me page.

Ready to build an inclusive work environment?

Let’s get started on giving women the voice they deserve.

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